The Spark Podcast
The Spark Podcast
Ep.40: New Year, More Us
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:10:51

Ep.40: New Year, More Us

Reflecting on 2023. Looking ahead to 2024.

We’re baaaackkk! Did you miss us? In our 40th episode and first of 2024, we take some time to reflect on 2023 and share what we’re most looking forward to in 2024. Our first episode of each new year has become a ritual of sorts - a way for us to take inventory of where we’ve been and where we’re going.


First off, it’s wild to think we’ve been on this sporadic podcasting adventure for five years now - that’s half a decade! Thank you for being here. When we first set out to let others in on the conversation, we never thought there would be thousands of you tuning in - but here you are. We see every single one of you and we are so incredibly grateful for you. We can’t wait for all the conversations we’ll have and the stories we’ll share in this new year.


(This is the part where we remind you that if there’s someone you think we should talk to or if that someone is you, reach out!)


One thing that we both realized in the midst of this conversation is that that texture of our lives are constantly changing. A year comes and goes. We get older. Wonderful things happen. Our hearts break. Life continues on, and we level up.


In 2023, we both were overcome with the fact that we’re not kids anymore. The reality is that we haven’t been for years, but we each had some adult-defining moments that marked true adulthood for us.


In 2023, we both traveled again post-pandemic. Amy went on a life-changing trip to Japan and Meg found revival in Hawaii. Meg also found power in pushing her physical limits with a 46-mile bike ride and a race she’s always wanted to do.

2023年,Meg 和 Amy 在疫情后正式重新开始旅行。Amy进行了一次改变人生的日本之行,而Meg在夏威夷找到了新生。Meg还在一次46英里的自行车骑行,和一场她一直想参加的长跑中挑战了自己,找到了身体的极限,和不可言说的力量。

Tune into the episode to hear more and listen as we share what we’re most looking forward to in 2024. We’re also doing something new where we’re asking a question at the end of every episode! This week’s question is: What could you achieve in life if you decided to become totally and blissfully impervious to hostile criticism and rejection? Reach out and share your answer with us!

收听本集以了解更多我们对2024年最期待的事情。火花电台永远在尝试一些新的东西,而新的一年,我们在每集或开始,或结束时都会提出一个问题!本周的问题是:如果不计后果 ,你可以做出什么事情?请在下面的评论中分享你的答案!

Xo, 爱你的

Amy Tianyi & Meg

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Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花)

Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台

NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台


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如果你喜欢这个播客,如果你愿意花30秒钟做以下这三件事中的任意一件事情,那对我们来说都非常举足轻重。首先,请你关注或订阅《The Spark Podcast》。关注《The Spark Podcast》会让你第一时间了解我们的动态,这样你不会错过任何一集节目。关注我们,给我们留言,也可以让我们更加了解你。我们会认真阅读每一条评论,并且认真做出回复。

想和我们保持联系和文字交流,只需前往Apple Podcasts、Spotify或你习惯听播客的任何平台,寻找“The Spark Podcast by Meg and Amy 火花电台”的节目页面,然后点击右上角的加号或关注按钮即可。这是对于The Spark Podcast火花电台最重要的事情。如果你愿意给我们一个五星评级,并邀请朋友分享你喜欢的一集节目,我们会非常感激!感谢你一直以来的支持。是你们的存在,让我们知道火花再小,也可以无比璀璨。

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