Every great story starts at the beginning. Now that The Spark is almost four years old, Meg and Amy wanted to take a look back on how it all started. They reflect on their first two episodes and from it emerges a the topic of growth. Amy shares how she’s learned to less-critical of herself and Meg shares how she’s learned to become more herself and less self-conscious. Taylor Swift and Jay-Z (not Dr. Dre) lyrics are quoted along the way.
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Little Universe: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花)
Himalaya: The Spark Podcast 火花电台
NetEase:The Spark Podcast 火花电台
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千里之行,始于足下。每一个引人入胜的“后来”,都在“很久很久以前”之后。在火花电台四岁生日之际,Meg和Amy重温创作起点。她们终于克服了恐惧和尴尬,重新聆听了火花电台的第一集和第二集,并且讨论了这四年里二人的变化和成长。Amy分享了她学着如何减少对自己不必要的苛责,Meg分享了她如何更加勇敢地直面自己内心,克服因为自我意识过重而导致的过度局促。霉妹和Jay-Z (在录制的时候,我们以为是Dr.Dre) 的歌词在这集中也起了极大的作用。
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小宇宙: The Spark Podcast (赵枣Amy_火花)
喜马拉雅: The Spark Podcast 火花电台
网易云音乐:The Spark Podcast 火花电台
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